Manufacturer of high quality battery clamps, battery clips, crocodile clips, jumper cable and battery booster cable. All products are made in Germany.

Foto der Firma

Ch. Humpert Metallwaren GmbH

Founded in 1975 as a private firm by Josef Humpert, the company started with the production and sales of accessories for E-Welding-Sets. With the support of his wife Christa Humpert, he has been created the first pillar of the present company within the early few years.
The idea of producing battery clips and battery clamps developed more and more over first period. The product ranges were enlarged with products like battery booster cable, ground clamps and braided copper strapes. The production facilities in the homely cellar and garage became to small very quickly. The still young company moved to the present building, which fulfilled the necessary requirements. With the entry of his daughter Birgita Humpert and Franz Düsener as his son-in-law the company's future was secured.
In the year 2003 the private company was transformed into a limited company. The responsibility moved more and more to the new managers Brigita Humpert and Franz Düsener. In the year 2007 Josef Humpert moved back from the active working life, in order the give the younger generation the possibility to lead the company further on. Even today he is always available for the company as a consultant with his experience and advice. Over the years the company, with its six full-time employees and seven part-time employees gained a permanent customer base. Among these are well know main customers allover Germany, but also major customers throughout Europe and overseas.

The company's philosophy, to produce goods in special quality has never been lost over the thirty-five-years history and is still valid.

Copyright 2010 © Ch. Humpert Metallwaren GmbH

Ch. Humpert Metallwaren GmbH, Ostenfeldmark 3, D-59457 Werl
Tel. 0049 2928 446, Fax: 0049 2928 1522,